Thursday 26 June 2014

Chinese Tea Jug and Camelias

Oil painting on hardboard 6in x 6in. SOLD.

Decided to pluck a couple of camelias from the garden and combine with a pretty little Chinese tea jug, a present from a Chinese friend.  I thought they would make a cheerful little painting.

Monday 23 June 2014

Bush Mandarins

Oil painting on board 4.5in x 6in.  This is the smallest of my daily paintings so far.  These two mandarins were the first to ripen on the tree so decided to paint them, but intend to do more mandarin studies as the fruit becomes available.  Lots of mandarin trees on this property, great for painting and eating!

Saturday 14 June 2014

Chloe The Whippet

Small oil study on board 8in x 6in.
This latest small painting is a quick study of our whippet, Chloe.  She often has a unique way of laying down and creates all of these lovely shapes with her body, legs, etc.  She also enjoys the attention she gets and will pose like this for ages.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Autumn Pear Leaves And Fruit

Small oil painting on board 5in x 7in.
We have a large pear tree in a paddock near our house which has had the most beautifully coloured autumn leaves.  Could not resist including them in this small painting with a bright little corella pear.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Balancing Act

Small oil painting on board 6in x 6in.
Another quick oil study to add to this collection of daily paintings.